Is this the same country where just a call from a petite weak leader led to complete non-cooperation in the entire country, where just two words “Vande mataram” used to inflict fire in the hearts and a valour to sacrifice life...
Are we living the dignity?

Call it heights of being emotional or being archaic. It is most likely that the so called modern , self centered current citizens of the country are just obsessed with themselves and their selfishness. The developments in the past few weeks made me think this way. And its not a feeling which came out of blue moon or just in my mind. Knock the conscious, any true Indian would get these discomforts in their hearts.
Here we struggle among ourselves. Amongst our colleagues, our neighbours, our friends, and this list goes one. We dont have a single thing which we can hold on with pride. But yes, our so called gen-next chaps would argue we have IPL, we have MNC, shopping malls and what not. But talk about the soldiers, who guard our borders, who were slain, or about our own tradition, you are either looked upon as an idiot or eccentric emotional fool or be labelled as a fundamentalist. I know the word 'tradition' means different to different people ironically!
Now why am I writing these stuff now?! Honestly I don't know. But may be to put down some question in my mind which are bothering me oflate.
It has been over 60 years this country was established and it has seen enough of radical changes till now. I am talking more about the line of thinking in the minds of common man [and woman]. Is this the same country where just a call from MK Gandhi used to impulse a country wide movement, where even the teenagers and less than that used to fill their hearts with unmatched bravery and sacrifice their lives for the 'cause'. We are forgetting that there was no country or a boundary or a system so to say which we have now and we proudly [are we?] call India. It was just a movement against injustice, unmatched in the history of the earth.
The same country where a mother, sister, wife used to sacrifice their son, brother and husband for the cause which they are not guaranteed of success! Isn't this something too much of a strong traditional background our country has for what citizens and their selfish attitude we have now? Are we worth that dignity? Are we capable enough and have we earned that? The answer probably is unfortunately 'No'.
Today a former prime minister of the country uses such words about his contemporary that if i write those words here in the blog, I am most likely to be spammed and may be blocked! Is this the same lineage of people who used to follow up with their leaders, have a decent relation with people of different thoughts about achieving the same goal - the freedom, yet differ in their approaches. I don't want to write incidents supporting this because i feel if a person don't know about these facts about our own tradition, its not worth telling them!
Our politicians stay at resorts and five stars to discuss the problems of our farmers! the same country where people and the leaders used to walk together miles to protest and fight for their rights. May what come, they were ready for the worst consequences. Today we have on the flashing news headlines that a bollywood heroin/hero got a small bruise while bravely shooting for a movie! Hats off to the so called cultural development we have made!
We have lost our soul so much that, amidst the live telecast of a funeral of an eminent person we get advertisements of new year parties, luxury cars, perfumes and aphrodisiacs. May what come, the press should do its duty and dig out news from any scraps. Check out Sunday news papers and any decent person cannot read it in front of their parents [now there will be an argument about being mature, modern and open!] leave apart the photos of hardly covered models.
We are in such a pathetic cultural situation that if a boy says any good words about his another friend, it is most likely that there will be a funny moment about gay relationships. Remember this is the land of same Ram-Lakshman.
If i ask myself, what great realization or reform i am about to make by writing these things? The answer is 'nothing'. We can't do anything to people who are already a part of it. Who have lost their independent thinking and their ethnicity in the name of being modern or global! Take a look into our Vedas, and just our contemporary Kannada literature by Kuvempu and loads of other eminent souls, we are probably the first to think global and yet have a local perspctive.
This reminds me of a emotionally charged incident which happened at the Red fort, New Delhi. No, don't confuse it for any terror attack or any communal riots! I was there for the first time with a friend to see Red fort and there was a painting exhibition - of freedom fighters. Call it my contemporary / modern negligence, I just walked into the exhibition hall without reading what was it about - the details.
The hall was scanty with very less people interested! There were about 50 or more [vaguely] paintings of freedom fighters and their biographical life stories depicted. The paintings were a little different as all of them were in shades of red and dull. I felt what i usually feel when I encounter any past incident, painting, literature about those unmatched glorious days of India.
When I came out, I read this board outside the exhibition.
[Now the people who cannot read the National language! go to ****!]
I can never explain the state of my mind. The maximum I did was collected from the person sitting in the corner of the exhibition, with some books on lives of the Freedom Fighters the details of the people who did these paintings. As told early, there were no takers for those books. And anywhere we go we can find books from all around the world with some stupidly simple manipulation of what our traditional values teach us! No offenses meant but it feels foolish on our parts to hunt for such personality development books of some western influenced authors or writing styles when we inherit one of the most ancient, tested, accepted and proved as one of the best! May be the reason is we have become unworthy for the best things and we can only digest the remnants of what the west copied from us!
The person at the bookstall asked me to look at the shop for a while as he had some work inside the exhibition hall and I did the same. I was completely emotional sitting in that sepia dusky evening with all those paintings giving me my most heavy state of heart.
I was contented that there is still, at least at some corner the genuine respect for our own tradition. I am sure there are many more left. This blog is for them. Just a small and emotional move to reflect we feel the same.
Hatsoff to the artiste and the writer who painted the brave sons of India with their blood.
शहीद चित्र -प्रदर्शनी
परिकल्पना, शोध एवं संकलन :
रविन्चंद्र गुप्ता
परिकल्पना, शोध एवं संकलन :
रविन्चंद्र गुप्ता
चित्रकार , प्रबंधन एवं आयोजन
गुरुदर्शन सिंह बिन्कल
चित्रकार , प्रबंधन एवं आयोजन
गुरुदर्शन सिंह बिन्कल
प्रस्तुति:शहीद-स्मृति चेतना समिति (पंजी.)
३२, शिवालिक अपार्टमेन्ट , सरस्वती विहार, दिल्ली -३४
I did capture some of them once I settled my mind but my hands couldn't stabilize while clicking..
Very touching!I wholeheartedly agree to whatever has been wriiten. Ironical, yet true! The present deterioration of our values which has blatantly been termed as "cultural and economic progress" has drained all the emotions out of us and has converted us into zombies. So engrossed are we into out petty issues and into ourselves everyday, that the past sacrifices made by those unnamed and unspoken of, freedom fighters seem to have been a waste. Gone are those days where one call to fight for your nation triggered the hearts and souls of many. But unfortunately, our present minds have been corrupted and coloured to such an extent that the essence of belonging to that one great nation has slithered to the background. All we are worried about is how to carve out our own selfish chunks from this country...It high time these past sacrifices are given their due...
It is absolutely true!!Seriously forces me to introspect!!
hey nice kano, u become kranthikari
you writing is so heart touching kano
Well I am here lucky to others, as though Rakesh's has so beatuifully given words to his feelings but I had the chance to his devotion when he was sitting and reading those books and paintings. At the entry of Red Fort when I told him about what all buildings are inside the complex he was 100% sure that he want to see the place was Subash Chandra Bose was made captive and court-martialed.He was sure that he wanted to see the paintings of Freedom fighters. I agree there were 1000's around but just 2-3 like Rakesh took the so-called 'pain' to ask the person sitting there as to whose concept was to make these paintings and who did the painitngs. I agree there are 1000's like me who preferred rather sitting outside and relaxing than to go to the minutest detail of each painting.But there is one point where I am clear that I felt bad that I didn't paid heed to what was inside when I was made aware of it. Here I would like to convey the message to Rakesh that I somewhere honestly feel that the people will come if an honest call from a genuine person will come. Once Rakesh told me about the origin of our National Anthem and I was convinced at the very second about realizing that something has got wrong with its acceptance as National Anthem and since that day I have told the same top many many friends of mine and without acception all were dumbstruck and agreed with Rakesh's forwarded opniion. No body can stopped penning down comment after reading the blog of Rakesh........what does it all suggest????Simply that we have lost the vision for right things and are in real need of those who can show us paths.And the scene today is that there is so much hipocracy all around that finding a genuine person who can show the righteous path to us has become the most rarest entity. The only word in the whole blog which i didnt like was Rakesh's saying why should he write all this because even writing it will not make any change. But Rakesh it does make change! It does matters to everyone who will read it! And u have made it because u have made me to think about it all and enter into ur thought process. I would greatly appreciate many more similar blogs from u.........Ur efforts will not go in pain! Trust me.
Very nicely articulated.. Only one who feels genuinely as you can do this. It is the bitter truth of today that frustrates all who feel even a little the way you do....
Believe me.... your words carry lot of power and anyone with even an iota of tradition or patriotism or culture or whatever we want to call it would atleast sit back to introspect and thats just the beginning.....
Hello mate. Firstly i appreciate the fact that you have identified the differences before and after (more so the last 2-3 decades) independence. I salute the great freedom fighters because of whom we are moving freely today. My inner self was deeply touched when you mentioned that the paintings displayed in a hall in the country's capital were not of paint but that of blood from those who made the paintings. Its high time that a sense of realization creeps into each one of us including those who are running the country. More than half of a state (J&K) in Northern India is illegally occupied by those who challenge are very existence and we are busy trying to instigate the formation of new states.
Hope this blog of yours awakens each one of us and injects that vigour in our veins to put our country on the right path.
Thanks and Regards,
your writing is wonderful,revolutionary and patriotic. it is an article of self realization for the people who exploiting the innocents to protect their chair and making money. It is a good lesson for our selfishness. Really good effort and great thinkings. Sorry, my knowledge is very poor in writting more comments on your heart touch wordings.
Rakesh, it is a very touchy write up... Anyone having heart can feel your feelings, but only few have the quality and art to express.
Nitasha is right that "cultural and economic progress" has drained all the emotions out of us ", shame on us...... it is making us more and more self-centric.
We should start thinking for others from now. We should do somehting for our home, for our society, for our land, for our world and for our next-generation. I think that will be a great reward for the WRITER...........
This, my friend, has been on the minds of many. glad that somebody penned it down.
would like add a few more things:
- its the people who need to reform. that includes all of us(lets open our arms who haven't got that maturity level yet).
People applaud, enjoy watching stories(be it Rang De Basanti or 3 Idiots and so forth). Sadly that dies down and people forget.
- Education! its the basic thing! lack of it or complete absence of it, makes it even harder to bring reform.
- Bravery: If you have to say something against any form of wrong doings, dont fear! at least fear not to follow rules, that makes society better. I'd insist take pride in doing so, so that you set an example for others.
unlike me, K.I.S.S. ;)
i meant - Keep It Simple Stupid :D
Very well written..the issue is really worth reflecting upon..time for THE REALITY CHECK which has been long overdue...
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