Monday, November 09, 2009

Conversation with nature

It was like any of those crazy evenings when I set out to capture some golden shade-light effects rendered by nature, in the IISc campus jungles. I am sure a lot of camera maniacs will agree with me for the kind of subject the campus offers.

I was more particular about the high contrast shots of which I had unknowingly developed an interest about. 4pm onwards was the time and it was a perfect day. There was drizzle during the day and it receded to give occasional sunshine. The drizzle had cleansed the entire area and the light gave out some dramatic compositions. A cameraman is bound to capture the beauty of it in one flat layer but beauty was really three dimensional. May be a video or best is being there can give the actual feel of it.

I tried capturing a petiole of Broussonetia, a tree which is all over the campus. The tangential light and the darkness gave out an amazing highlight for the epidermal hairs.

The pale yellow light was as if playing hide and seeks. Compelling to capture the shot and once you aim and focus, the light is gone. As if it was some child’s prank. This lead me to capture something which i didn’t think i could capture and sometimes disappointed me as I couldn’t capture one I wanted.

Couple of spiders with their mysterious webs called for some interesting shots. The receding light was a real fun to play with and it was a game which sometimes i won and sometimes the child, the nature.

Unknowingly i was lead to some shots which shocked me for a moment. Did i capture this?

It was during the final moments which i suddenly realized; nature is playing a small child’s game with me. Making me run from here to there trying to capture something and till I reach there, the light is gone. And there i discover another which is much lucrative and ended up capturing them.

May be I can call them a child’s play but it was only when I saw the final outputs on my PC. Some really shocking shots. It was not a game but call it anything, I was directed to get those shots as if somebody dragged me to do it. Now I really think have interacted with Mother Nature.

Each time, unknowingly nature will lead you to something better than what can be done. As always, it is nature which is treasure of everything. It’s just our destiny to flow in the current.


Indu K Murthy said...

A huge revelation.... the essence of life..... beautifully written.... you are turning out to be gud in writing too!!!

Unknown said...


It's really fantastic, mind blowing capturing of the picutes. I really like such lovely nature which you have capture. And your thoughts, its really super!

Unknown said...

ur wrds... seriously they force me to introspect...

Unknown said...

Your thoughts are really excellent and the pictures as well..